Good Eats: The 100 Best Nutrient-Packed Foods

Ever wish someone would just do the work for you, researching hundreds of foods, to tell you what the are absolute healthiest, most nutrient-packed, pesticide-limited, affordable foods to buy when you hit the supermarket?

Well, the Environmental Working Group has done just that, delivering their “Good Food on a Tight Budget” shopping guide, which lists the best 100 healthy foods that pack in nutrients at a good price, with the fewest pesticides, contaminants, and artificial ingredients. To decipher these 100 winners, EWG put nearly 1,200 foods through the paces. The guide lists the best of the best in a variety of food categories, from fruits and vegetables to grains, protein, and spices.

Some of the big winners on the best healthy food front include:

Pears: they offer more fiber, potassium, and folate than an apple, and fewer pesticide residues.

Parsley: it packs a punch as potent as kale for a quarter of the price.

Sweet Potatoes: This sweet spud has twice the fiber, potassium, and vitamin A of carrots.

Okra: Okra beat out more than 100 other veggies to rise to the top of EWG’s lists.

Oatmeal: One serving of cholesterol-busting, filling oatmeal is about half the cost of a bowl of sugary cereal.

Turkey: For animal sources of protein, roast turkey tops the list.

Legumes: Vegetarians delight—pinto beans and lentils are one-fifth the cost of roast turkey.

In addition to a roundup of the best healthy foods, the “Good Food on a Tight Budget” shopping guide also serves up a wealth of simple recipes, including this fav for a warming chili:

Turkey Chili with Vegetables
Basic Ingredients:
1 medium onion
2 medium carrots
3 cloves garlic
1 cup cooked or 1 can red or white kidney beans, no salt added
1 tablespoon of oil
1 pound ground turkey
2 cans diced tomatoes, no salt added
1 cup water
3 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon ground cumin
3⁄4 teaspoon salt
Tasty Toppings:
1 medium lime

2⁄3 cup non-fat plain yogurt
1. Rinse and peel carrots. Peel onion and garlic.
2. Dice onion and carrots. Mince garlic.
3. If using lime, rinse now. Cut into wedges.
4. If using canned beans, drain and rinse beans in a colander.
5. In a large pot over medium-high heat, heat oil. Add turkey and brown.
6. Add onion, carrots, and garlic to pot. Cook until onions are soft and carrots are somewhat tender, about 5 minutes.
7. Add beans, tomatoes, water, chili powder, and cumin to pot. Season with salt.
8. Lower heat to medium. Cook until all flavors have blended, about 15 minutes.
9. If using lime and yogurt, squeeze juice from lime wedges on top of chili or serve on the side. Top each serving with 1 tablespoon yogurt.

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Erinn Morgan


After a 10-year career as an award-winning New York City-based editor launching and redesigning urban, style-driven magazines, Erinn Morgan left her downtown Manhattan digs after September 11th, 2001, in search of a less encumbered, freelance lifestyle. A life-changing, two-year-long trek around the country in a motorhome eventually landed her in Durango, Colo., which she now calls home. Her writing has appeared in numerous— More about this author →