Ladies we Love: Mountain Guide (and Mom) Lilla Molnar

[This Ladies we Love profile is the eight installment in our monthly series featuring the highly inspiring roster of female athlete ambassadors from Outdoor Research. They are skiers, climbers, mountaineers, and more—all breaking down barriers and pushing the edge.]

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A pro mountain guide and a mom to two-year-old Ella, Lilla Molnar knows a thing or two about balance. And, with a travel schedule that keeps she and her family on the road more than at their home base in Canmore, Canada, Lilla has become a bit of a packing, traveling-with-toddler-in-tow, organizational expert. Here, we check in with the skiing and climbing mountain guide on her top adventure mom tips (from traveling strategies to must-have kiddo gear) plus the outdoor place she loves the most. Your experience in skiing and rock/ice/alpine climbing is impressive. What are you most proud of within your skiing/climbing accomplishments? 

Lilla: Overall, what I’m most proud of is the overall cumulative time I’ve spent in the mountains getting proficient in all disciplines from rock climbing to ice climbing. That base has allowed me to become and IFMGA-certified mountain guide.

WM: What is your year-round travel schedule like? How does Ella do with all the travel?

Lilla: She’s two and a half and we’ve already been to 8 countries with her. Looking back on the calendar, she’s been away from home the same amount of time that she’s been back in Canmore.

She’s done really well with it all and I think that’s a result of the fact that it was the way it was going to be right off the bat—she has been super adaptable from day one. Her first ride in a helicopter was at 4 weeks old— we were heli skiing from Bugaboo Lodge in the Bugaboo Mountains. She also comes with me to the lodge every time I work. It has worked out great; it’s really hard to be away especially with the whole breast feeding thing.

Lilla Molnar mountain guide

Photo: Marc Piché Photography

WM: Can you give us 3 of your best adventure-traveling-with-child tips?

Lilla: Sure. All these things come down to her comfort—even though I’m dragging her around on our program I make sure her needs are met.

1. I have a weird schedule—I work weekends and work for a few weeks then take a month off—but I always try to maintain a consistent schedule within that for Ella. If I take her rock climbing for a day I always try to stick to her nap time. If we’re outside I always have her fall asleep in the backpack or chariot. Try to maintain a schedule for her within our erratic

2. Because we are so much on the road I’m always planning ahead in terms of her food. I make meals ahead of time and freeze small portions. If I know we’ll be on a road trip I pull some meal out of the freezer—it’s great not having to eat out with her all the time.

3. I also try to be really organized ahead of time for trips. I was always a last-minute packer but with Ella, now I start packing at least a few days in advance. I have my basic go-to list, and then I have set lists for different types of trips.

Lilla Molnar mountain guide

Photo: Marc Piché Photography

WM: Can you tell us the adventure-traveling-with-child gear you can’t live without?

Lilla: For sure the little Pea Pod baby tent—it easily pops up from the size of a laptop to a little tent. We take that with us and that’s been her bed when indoors and outdoors—she is more than happy to sleep in there; it’s her comfortable spot. I also used the Baby Ergo to carry her everywhere—I never had a stroller and I found it easier to just have her on me.

WM: Most beautiful place you’ve ever climbed or skied?

Lilla: The Bugaboos are the place that really hold a special place in my heart. It’s an alpine granite area surrounded by glaciers—a small granite range within the Purcell Mountains in Eastern British Columbia. It’s probably where I’ve had my most memorable climbing and skiing days.

WM: Favorite in-your-pack energy snack?

Lilla: You can’t go wrong with dark, salted chocolate or a really grainy, homemade granola bar.

Lilla Molnar mountain guide

Photo: Marc Piché Photography

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Erinn Morgan


After a 10-year career as an award-winning New York City-based editor launching and redesigning urban, style-driven magazines, Erinn Morgan left her downtown Manhattan digs after September 11th, 2001, in search of a less encumbered, freelance lifestyle. A life-changing, two-year-long trek around the country in a motorhome eventually landed her in Durango, Colo., which she now calls home. Her writing has appeared in numerous— More about this author →