Luscious Links: Store Grows Own Produce, Skydiving from 120,000 feet, and the Health Bennies of DH MTBing

Freefalling from the Edge of Space: Got plans for Monday at 6am MDT? Serial adventurer and BASE jumper Felix Baumgartner does. On the morning of October 8th, the handsome, 43-year-old Austrian skydiver will ascend to 120,000 feet in a pressurized capsule, jump out at the edge of space, and freefall (partly at a record-breaking speed of about 700mph and breaking the speed of sound) for about five minutes. His wardrobe—a spacesuit and parachute. Sound crazy? The Red Bull Stratos Mission has been years in the works with a team of scientists and engineers plus Baumgartner has already made two practice jumps at slightly lower heights. Tune in here.

Living Produce Aisle: Opened this week in Vancouver, a new store concept is a boon to urban locavores. The Living Produce Aisle grows its green goods—dozens of different herbs, micro-greens, and sprouts—right in store, where customers can have them cut to order from their hydroponic cultivators. To launch his unusual business concept, owner Tarren Wolfe had to get creative financially. He made a deal to pay his lease in fresh arugula and basil plus he designed his own cultivators by rejiggering self-contained hydroponic marijuana cultivation equipment sold by his other company, BC Northern Lights.

New Study Shows Downhilling is Healthy—like Alcohol: It’s official. When it comes to mountain biking, lift-served no longer equates to lazybones. Using equipment to monitor the heart rate, blood pressure, physical exertion, and oxygen consumption of eight female and 11 male downhill mountain bikers in action at Whistler Mountain Bike Park, researcher Jamie Burr from University of British Columbia determined that even moderate riding had direct health benefits. The study, conducted in September 2011 and released this week, combats negative press Whistler had been receiving related to a recent study that released injury stats from the Whistler Health Care Center. Well, sure, gravity sports have their associated risks. Like alcohol. Burr told Whistler’s Pique Newsmagazine this week, “Research shows that moderate alcohol consumption can do some positive things for your health, but we also know that there are risks to drinking,” he said. “But the risks are minor when you do it in the safest manner possible.” [Whistler’s Katrina Strand suited up for the study below.]

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Erinn Morgan


After a 10-year career as an award-winning New York City-based editor launching and redesigning urban, style-driven magazines, Erinn Morgan left her downtown Manhattan digs after September 11th, 2001, in search of a less encumbered, freelance lifestyle. A life-changing, two-year-long trek around the country in a motorhome eventually landed her in Durango, Colo., which she now calls home. Her writing has appeared in numerous— More about this author →