Exercise Shown to Boost Your Brain Power

Cellular biologist Bruce Spiegelman and his colleagues from Harvard Medical School and the University of Michigan Medical Center may have just stumbled upon a stellar reason for you to get motivated to pack in more workouts—a boost in brain power.

According to a recent report in Science, this research team may have finally found a molecular link between a workout and beefed-up brain power plus the ability to stave off diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s and issues such as aging and depression. The mental benefits of exercise have long been known but the actual reasons—and the molecular link—behind the phenomenon were only recently unveiled.

The science behind the discovery? Exercise has long been linked to the increased production of a protein known as the “brain-derived neurotrophic factor” (BDNF), which is essential for creating and maintaining healthy neurons. The researchers suspected FNDC5, a protein induced during exercise, was actually responsible for increased levels of the “smart protein” BDNF.

Or so was the result for the mice they put on endurance training for 30 days—the rodents ran the equivalent of a 5K every night on a treadmill. And, when the researchers artificially increased FNDC5 production in mouse brain cells in a dish the result was more BDNF. The molecular process mirrored what happened when mice exercised.

In addition to finding us yet another reason to get up and go, this study’s researchers say they hope to develop an injectable form of FNDC5 as a potential treatment for neurological diseases and to improve brain health with aging.

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