Yoga Film: Why We Breathe

Why do you do yoga?

Salt Lake City-based Back to Awake Productions approached some of the most active—and well-known—yoga practitioners today to find out what drives them to devote their lives to the fine art of bending. The goal? To gain insight into the possibilities that yoga can offer. The result is the compelling and insightful “Why We Breathe” documentary, which you can watch in full length here. Featured yogis include Dice Iida-Klein, Briohny Smyth, Kathryn Budig, Angela Tara Hsu, John Yax, and Chris Yax.

Watch and be inspired. Namaste.

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Erinn Morgan


After a 10-year career as an award-winning New York City-based editor launching and redesigning urban, style-driven magazines, Erinn Morgan left her downtown Manhattan digs after September 11th, 2001, in search of a less encumbered, freelance lifestyle. A life-changing, two-year-long trek around the country in a motorhome eventually landed her in Durango, Colo., which she now calls home. Her writing has appeared in numerous— More about this author →